Grateful Letting Go…
This lovely print and trim is from a hatbox. It has been moldering and attracting dust bunnies in the back of my closet for…at least thirteen (OMFG!) years. I held on to it for so long because I...
View ArticleThe Ballad of Birmingham: a Mixed Media Recollection
Monday, September 15th, was the anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963. Four girls–Denise McNair and Cynthia Wesley, both 11 years old, and...
View ArticleWaving from the Labyrinth
Image, growingbolder.com I read Neil Gaiman’s “A Lunar Labyrinth,” from Trigger Warning, on World Labyrinth Day. World Labyrinth day occurs each year on May the 2nd. I had no idea. For me, a very...
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